Page:Token for mourners.pdf/6

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abatement in them." Therefore, she makes no preparation for his burial tells her husband nothing of his death, but seeks to God by the prophet, and expects help from him, See how she expresses herself: "Is it well with thee?” (and says Gehazzi,) “Is it well with thy husband? Is it well with the child? and she answered, "It is well".

Here is the greatest submission in the greatest distress: Her son, her only son, the son of all her love, the son of her old age, he is taken away with a stroke, and yet all is well. There is nothing amiss in the dispensation; had she been to choose it, it is well; she has nothing to object. Here are submission and faith both discovered in their sweet exercise; submission to what God hath done; faith in what he is able to do, and in what she believed he would do: "By faith women received their dead raised to life again; so that the words, thus explained, afford us this plain and useful observation.

Observ. Faith in God's promise and power will bring a man to submit to the sorest and most trying dispensations of his Providence; or thus,

Faith where it is in exercise, will teach a Christian to say of all God does, “It is well.”

In discoursing on this propossition, I will endeavour to show what submission is, or how and