Page:Tragical ballad of Lord John's murder.pdf/2

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Lord John stands in his stable door,
Says he, I will gae ride;
His lady, in her bigly bower,
Desired him to bide.

"How can I bide, how can I bide?
How shall I bide wi' thee?
When I ha'o kill'd your ae brother,
You hae nae mair but he."

"If ye ha'e kill'd my ae brother,
Alas! and wae is me;
If ye be well yoursel', my love,
The less matter will it be!

"Ye'll do you to yon bigly bower,
And take a silent sleep,
And I'll watch in my highest tower,
Your fair body to keep.'

She has shut her bigly bower,
All wi' a silver pin;
And done her to the highest tower,
To watch that nane come in.