Page:Tragical ballad of Lord John's murder.pdf/3

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But as she looked round about,
To see what she could see,
There she saw nine armed knights
Come riding o'er the lea.

"God make you safe and free, lady,
God make you safe and free!
Did you see a bludy knight
Come riding o'er the lea?"

"O what like was his hawk, his hawk?
And what like was his hound?
If his steed has ridden well,
He's pass'd fair Scotland's strand.

"Come in, come in, gude gentlemen,
And take white bread and wine;
And aye the better ye'll pursue,
The lighter that ye dine."

"We thank you for your bread, lady,
We thank you for your wine;
And I would gi'e my lands sae broad,
Your fair body were mine."

She has gane to her bigly bower,
Her ain gude lord to meet;
A trusty brand he quickly drew,
Ga'e her a wound sae deep.

"What harm, my lord, provokes thine ire,
To wreak itself on me,
When thus I strove to save thy life,
Yet served for sic a fee?"