Page:Tragical ballad of Lord John's murder.pdf/5

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There came a knight, and play'd o'er them a',
As the primrose spreads so sweetly.

The eldest was baith tall and fair.
With a heigh-ho! and a lily gay;
But the youngest was beyond compare,
As the primrose spreads so sweetly.

The midmost had a gracefu' mien,
With a heigh-ho! and a lily gay;
But the youngest look'd like beauty's queen,
As the primrose spreads so sweetly.

The knight bow'd low to a' the three,
With a heigh-ho! and a lily gay;
But to the youngest he bent his knee,
As the primrose spreads so sweetly.

The lady turned her head aside,
With a heigh-ho! and a lily gay;
The knight he woo'd her to be his bride,
As the primrose spreads so sweetly.

The lady blush'd a rosy red,
With a heigh-ho! and a lily gay;
And said, "Sir knight, I'm o'er young to wed,
As the primrose spreads so sweetly."

"O, lady fair, give me your hand,
With a heigh-ho! and a lily gay;
And I'll mak' you lady of a' my land,
As the primrose spreads so sweetly."