Page:Tragical ballad of Lord John's murder.pdf/4

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"Ohon, alas! my lady gay,
To come so hastilie;
I thought it was my deadly foe,
Ye had trysted into me.

"O live, O live, my gay lady,
The space o' ae half hour,
And nae a leech in a' the land
But I'se bring to your bower."

"How can I live, how shall I live?
How can I live for thee?
Ye see my blude rins on the ground
My heart's blude by your knee!

"O take to flight, and flee, my love,
O take to flight and flee!
I wouldna wish your fair body
For to get harm for me."

"Ae foot I winna flee, lady,
Ae foot I winna flee;
I've dune the crime worthy o' death,
It's right that I should die.

"O deal ye well at my love's lyke,
The beer, but an' the wine;
For, ere the morn, at this same time,
Ye'll deal the same at mine.


There was three ladies play'd at the ba',

With a heigh-ho! and a lily gay;