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Organic Impressions, a remarkable class of, in Flint | 328 |
Paris, Basin of Description of the | 161 |
Parkinson, Mr. J. Observations on some Specimens of Hippurite, from Sicily | 277 |
Peak of Teneriffe, Height of the | 286 |
─────────── Description of an ascent to the top of the | 291 |
Pebbles of the London Gravel | 232 |
───────────────── Concentric | 233 |
Phillips, Mr. W. On the Veins of Cornwall | 110 |
────────── A Description of the Oxyd of Tin | 336 |
Plasma, supposed to exist in the Island of Rum | 407 |
───── probably owes its colour to Chlorite | 513 |
Plastic Clay of the South of England | 185 |
─────── of the Paris Basin | 200 |
Pleasure Copper Mine, Description of | 149 |
Plumstead, Fossils at | 223 |
Plumbago, a substance resembling, obtained by artificial means | 24 |
Portland Stone, Fossil Alcyonia in the | 383 |
Porphyry, Objections to the term as commonly used | 424 |
Portsoy, on the Granite Veins at | 432 |
Portsmouth, Strata under | 189 |
Prase, a variety of, found in the island of Rona | 392 |
Prince George Copper Mine, Description of | 148 |
Purbeck, Isle of, Freshwater Formation of the | 166 |
Quadrupeds, Fossil Bones of, in the South of England | 244 |
Quartz, granular, called Grey Weathers | 224 |
Quartz Rock, found in Scotland, and on the Nature and Connexion of this Rock in general | 450 |
─────── its principal modifications | 453─480 |
─────── is a mechanical deposit | 455─482 |
─────── lies under primitive rocks | 456 |
─────── alternates with primitive rocks, | 468─470─486 |
─────── peculiar appearance of the mountains composed of | 468 |
─────── of Assynt | 458 |
─────── of Schihallien | 466 |
─────── of the District of Mar | 471 |
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