Page:Transport Safety Investigations Act 2018.pdf/12

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NO. 36 OF 2018

“occurrence” includes an accident and a near‑accident;

“ordinary reportable matter” means a transport occurrence that—

(a) is not an immediately reportable matter; and
(b) is prescribed to be an ordinary reportable matter;

“other proceedings” means—

(a) an arbitration under the Arbitration Act (Cap. 10);
(b) proceedings before an Inquiry Committee appointed under the Workplace Safety and Health Act (Cap. 354A) relating to any accident, dangerous occurrence or occupational disease that has occurred in a workplace;
(c) proceedings before any tribunal, authority, person or body that has power by or under any written law to require the production of documents or answering of questions, or constituted and vested by or under any written law to make a decision of an administrative character; or
(d) proceedings by an employer with a view to disciplining an individual employed or engaged by the employer, including proceedings before—
(i) a disciplinary officer relating to a disciplinary or service offence under the Civil Defence Act (Cap. 42) or the Police Force Act; or
(ii) the Public Service Commission or the Legal Service Commission relating to the misconduct of a public officer or other disciplinary matter,

but does not include proceedings in Parliament or a committee of Parliament;

“photograph” means a product of photography or of a process similar to photography, other than an article or a thing in which visual images forming part of a cinematograph film have been embodied, and includes a product of xerography,