Page:Transport Safety Investigations Act 2018.pdf/32

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NO. 36 OF 2018

Reports inadmissible as evidence

21.—(1) A report under section 20 is not admissible in evidence in any civil or criminal proceedings or other proceedings.

(2) However, subsection (1) does not apply to a coroner’s inquiry.

(3) A draft report under section 19 is not admissible in evidence in any civil or criminal proceedings or other proceedings.

Responses to reports of, or containing, safety recommendations

22.—(1) This section applies if—

(a) the Director—
(i) publishes a report under section 20 in relation to an investigation;
(ii) receives a report from an appropriate foreign authority about a transport occurrence; or
(iii) publishes a report in relation to a transport safety matter; and
(b) the report is, or contains, a recommendation that a person, unincorporated association, or a public authority or public officer, in Singapore take safety actions.

(2) The person, unincorporated association, public authority or public officer to whom a recommendation mentioned in subsection (1)(b) is made must give a written response to the Director within a prescribed time after the report was published, that sets out whether the person, association, authority or officer accepts the recommendation (in whole or part), and—

(a) if the person, unincorporated association, public authority or public officer accepts the recommendation in whole—details of any action that the person, association, authority or officer proposes to take to give effect to the recommendation; or
(b) if the person, unincorporated association, public authority or public officer does not accept the recommendation in