Page:Transport Safety Investigations Act 2018.pdf/33

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whole—the reasons why the person, association, authority or officer does not accept the recommendation in whole.

(3) A person, unincorporated association, public authority or public officer who, without reasonable excuse, fails to comply with subsection (2) commits an offence.

(4) A person, unincorporated association, public authority or public officer who is guilty of an offence under subsection (3) shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $10,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to both.

Division 3—Investigators


23.—(1) Where a duty to investigate a transport occurrence under section 15(1) or (2)(b) arises or section 15(2)(a) or 17(1) applies, the Director must, without delay, appoint such number of TSIB staff members or consultants as the Director thinks fit as investigators for the purpose of carrying out the investigation.

(2) Where more than one investigator is appointed for an investigation of a particular transport occurrence, the Director must also designate one of the investigators as the investigator‑in‑charge for that investigation.

(3) Where a single investigator is appointed for an investigation of a transport occurrence, the investigator must be treated as designated under subsection (2) as the investigator‑in‑charge for that investigation.

(4) The Director must issue to every investigator a written authorisation specifying which of the powers conferred on an investigator under this Division the investigator may exercise.

(5) The powers that an investigator may be authorised under this Act to exercise may be exercised only to the extent authorised by the Director under this section.

(6) The written authorisation under subsection (4) for an investigator may do all or any of the following: