Page:Transport Safety Investigations Act 2018.pdf/36

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NO. 36 OF 2018

Powers after entering accident site premises, wreckage, etc.

27.—(1) After entering an accident site premises or a transport vehicle (or its wreckage) mentioned in section 26(1)(a) or (b), an investigator may, for the purpose of an investigation into a reportable matter involving those premises or that vehicle (as the case may be) and pursuant to an authorisation under section 23(4), do all or any of the following:

(a) examine or observe any activity conducted in or on the accident site or the transport vehicle (or its wreckage);
(b) examine, take measurements of, conduct tests on, or take samples of, evidential material in or on the accident site or the transport vehicle (or its wreckage);
(c) take any photograph or film of the accident site or the transport vehicle (or its wreckage), or any thing in or on the accident site or the transport vehicle (or its wreckage) that is evidential material;
(d) operate equipment in or on the accident site or the transport vehicle in order to access evidential material;
(e) in the case of evidential material that is equipment in or on the accident site or the transport vehicle, operate the evidential material;
(f) search, without payment, the accident site or the transport vehicle (or its wreckage), and any thing in or on the accident site or the transport vehicle (or its wreckage), for evidential material;
(g) seize any thing which is found in or on the accident site or the transport vehicle (or its wreckage) during the exercise of powers under this section that the investigator reasonably suspects is evidential material;
(h) exercise such other powers as may be prescribed.

(2) The power that an investigator may exercise under subsection (1)(d) or (e) in relation to an accident site or a transport vehicle (or its wreckage) includes the power—