Page:Transport Safety Investigations Act 2018.pdf/35

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Public servants

25. An investigator who, in the course of his or her duty as an investigator, exercises any power under this Division in accordance with the authorisation issued to him or her under section 23(4) is taken to be a public servant for the purposes of the Penal Code (Cap. 224) when exercising that power.

Division 4—Powers of investigation

Access to accident site premises, transport vehicle wreckage, etc.

26.—(1) For the purpose of an investigation into a reportable matter, and pursuant to an authorisation under section 23(4), an investigator may without payment of any charge—

(a) enter any accident site premises relating to the investigation;
(b) enter any transport vehicle involved in the reportable matter (whether or not at the accident site) or its wreckage; and
(c) take equipment and material onto those premises or the transport vehicle (or its wreckage), and use it, for any of the purposes in section 27.

(2) An investigator—

(a) is authorised to enter any premises or transport vehicle (or its wreckage) under subsection (1) whether or not the occupier of the premises or person in possession of the transport vehicle (or its wreckage) consents to the entry; and
(b) is entitled to enter and remain on those premises or the transport vehicle (or its wreckage) without payment.

(3) An investigator may use such force, and with such assistance of a police officer, as is reasonably necessary to obtain entry to the accident site premises or the transport vehicle (or its wreckage) mentioned in subsection (1)(a) or (b).