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A | |
Abogado Cristiano, | 299 |
Aboriginal city, | 170 |
mounds, | 531 |
Academy of San Carlos | 324 |
Acambaro, | 435 |
town of, | 575 |
Acapulco trail, the, | 407 |
port of, | 408 |
Acequia (irrigating ditch), | 626 |
Acojote (Aztec acocotl), water-throat, | 344 |
Acolote (water-way), | 336 |
Acordada, famous prison in city of Mexico. At various times the prisoners confined here have risen in revolt, or have been let loose upon the peaceful population of the city, as in 1828; and in 1847 again, when they were liberated at the entrance of the American army, inflicting more mischief and causing more terror and bloodshed than the invaders themselves | |
Adobe (ah-do′-bay), sun-baked bricks, of which walls and huts are made in Mexico; also a name of contempt; Moorish-Spanish word; Arabic, al-toob; ancient Egyptian, Adou | |
Agave Americana, | 220 |
Agua (water), of Mexico city, | 359 |
Aguada (pond) of Uxmal, | 78 |
Aguada (pond) of Uxmal, | 131 |
Aguador (water-carrier), | 287 |
Aguador (water-carrier), | 288 |
Aguamiel (honey-water), | 345 |
Aguamiel (honey-water), | 346 |
Agua Nueva (village), | 574 |
Aguardiente (burning water), | 51 |
Agramont, English buccaneer, | 185 |
Agricultural machinery, | 50 |
methods, | 525 |
Ah Tza, sacred book, | 95 |
Ahuitzotl, eighth king of Mexico | |
Ahuehuete (Aztec ahtiehuetl), cypress, | 268 |
Air, rarefaction of, | 248 |
Ajutla, town of, | 534 |
Akabná, | 91 |
arch of, | 85 |
Aké, hacienda of, | 88 |
katunes of, | 89 |
general view of, | 90 |
À la grecque, | 536 |
A la grecque, | 539 |
Alameda, the, | 62 |
Alameda, the, | 236 |
Alameda, the, | 349 |
Alamo, Spanish for Poplar, whence alameda; famous fort at San Antonio, Texas. | |
Alamos, town of Sonora, | 645 |
Alcalde, el, a petty judge, from Arabic al cadi | 54 |
Alcalde, el, | 550 |
Alerta (watch-word), | 112 |
Algodon, cotton, (from an Arabic word,) indigenous to Mexico | |
Alley of the Holy Ghost, | 231 |
Alligators in Cenotes, | 116 |
Aloes, sometimes, though improperly, applied to the agave, A. Americana or Mexicana. The agave belongs to the order Amaryllidaceæ, while the true aloe is of the order Liliaceæ. Both are found in Mexico. | |
Alvarado, leap of, | 267 |
Amecameca | 373 |
American, colony, | 354 |
hotel, | 354 |
saint first, | 370 |
disappointed, | 560 |
of the Border, | 615 |
Americanizing Mexico, | 616 |
Amigos (friends) | 113 |
Amolli, or soap-plant, Sapindus (?), the fruit or seed of a plant belonging probably to the Sapindaceæ, or Soap-berry family, an Indian substitute for soap, much used by the ancient Mexicans, and also at the present day by the poorer classes. In Mexico, the fruit of the Copalxocotl. | |
Ampudia, General, | 564 |
Anahuac, | 220 |
Anales del Museo, | 313 |
Ancona, historian of Yucatan, | 76 |
his description of Yucatan ruins, | 109 |