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Page:Travels in Mexico and life among the Mexicans.djvu/668

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Angeles, Puebla de los, 501
Angostura, Pass of, 574
Animal life of Chihuahua, 605
Anquera, covering for horses' haunches
Antequera, 527
Anthony, Ex-Governor, 616
Antiquarian Society, 109
Antiquities, 305-309
Antiquities, 306
Antiquities, 307
Antiquities, 308
Antiquities, 309
Antiquities, 319
Antiquities, 323
Anuario, 299
Apache depredations, 606
Apache depredations, 608
trail, 626
prisoners, 627
squaws, 628
scouts, visit to camp of, 631
warrior, 63
outrages, 634
outrages, 636
stronghold, 634
stronghold, 638
raid, last great, 636
difficulties in fighting the, 636
difficulties in fighting the, 637
region, map of, 638
Anton Lizardo, port, Gulf terminus of the Mexican Southern Railway, 181
Apam (plains of), 345
Apartado, 451
Apizaco, 492
Aqueduct, of San Cosme, 359
the double, 403
of Queretaro, 481
Arbol de las Manitos, 235
de la Noche Triste, 268
de Montezuma, 356
Arch, Maya, or aboriginal American, 77
of Akabná, 85
Archælogical field, 323
Archil (rocella), 137
Architecture, Mexican, 224
Arezuma, land of gold, 644
Arizona, travel in, 644
Armadillo (Aztec ayotochtli), or tortoise-rabbit.
Arriero, a muleteer, 280
Arroyo, a mountain torrent.
Arrastre, 462
Assumption (golden statue of the), 231
Astronomers, Maya, 97
Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad, 595
Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad, 601
Athens of Anahuac, the, 486
Atolli, an Indian beverage prepared from maize, in use among the ancient inhabitants of Mexico and at the present day; a kind of maize gruel, strengthening and refreshing, without which no Indian field laborer is content to work.
Atoyac, Bridge of, 201
Avenue, the Grand, 349
of Bucarelli, 350
Axayacatl, sixth king (Indian) of Mexico, 235
a water insect, 339
Axes, of copper, 544
Axolotl (Siredon lichenoides), 340
Ayme, Consul, 45
Ayotla, town of, 339
Azcapozalco, A town in the Federal District, connected with the city of Mexico by tramway. The ancient town of the same name was once the capital of the Tepanec "empire." 269
Azotea (roof-top), 224
Aztecs, tribe of, in Oaxaca, 529
Aztlan, 605
Baile (ball), a native, 122
Bajio, el, region of the, 427
Ball, a Mestiza, 123
Balustrade, a valuable 228
Banana plantation, 406
Bandelier, Prof., 541
Bandoleros, los, 336
Banner of Cortes, 308
Baptist Mission, 298
Baratillo, a rag fair
Bárcena, Manuel, 313
Barbacoa, a native Haitian word, whence English barbecue.
Barranca, of Metlac, 210
of Cuernavaca, 402
of Regla, 463
Barras, las, 456
Bartlett, Mr., on Tubac, 647
Bassi rilievi, 410
Baths, of Mexico City, 354
inimical to the leperos
Batopilas Mining Co., 618
mines, 619
Bear, playing the, 287
Bees, stingless, 64
Beggars, Mexican, 282
Benson, town in Arizona, 644
Beneficiate, from a Latin word, signifying "to realize"; the separation of ores from their fluxes, or amalgams.
Birds of Yucatan, 61
Bishop's Palace, 564
Bit, bridle, and spurs, 569
Bliss, Mr. P. C., 110
Boca del Monte, 217
Book, first, published in Mexico in 1536
stalls, 257
Bonanza, a sea term, used by Mexican miners to designate a mine being worked at a profit
mines in, 448
mines in, 449
mines in, 450
of Pedro Torreros, 461