Page:True fortune teller, or, Universal book of fate (1).pdf/17

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and increase of riches.

A child born the second day of the new Moon, shall grow apace; but it will be much inclined to lust, whether it be male or female. On this day also, all thy dreams shall quickly come to pass, whether they be good or bad. It is also good on this day to open a vein if there be occasion.

A child born on the third day of the Moon, shall die soon, or at least short-lived; on this day to begin any work of moment is unfortunate, for it seldom comes to a good conclusion.

On the fourth day of the Moon the child that is born shall prosper in the world, and be of good repute. On this day it is good to begin any enterprise, provided it be done with good advice, and with dependance on Heaven for a blessing.

The fifth day of the Moon is unfortunate; and the child that is born therein shall die in its infancy. He that is in danger, and thinks to escape this day shall certainly be mistaken. If good counsel be given thee to-day, take it, but execute it to-morrow. This day thou may let blood with good success.

The sixth day of the Moon, the child that is born shall be of long life, but very sickly. To send children to school on this day is very fortunate and denotes they shall increase in learning.

On the seventh day the child that is born may live many years; on this day it is good to shave the head, to tame wild beasts, and buy hogs, for he that doth so shall gain much by them. He that takes physic this day is like to recover.

On the eighth day a child born shall be in danger of dying young; but if he survives his