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first sickness, he shall live long and arrive at a great estate. He that dreams a dream shall quickly have it come to pass. Anything that is lost shall be found.

On the ninth day the child that shall be born will be very fortunate, enjoying long life and arriving to great riches. What thou do each day shall come to a good issue; he that is pursued shall escape; and he that groans under the burden of oppression, shall be opportunely relieved. Do not let blood on this day, for it is dangerous.

On the tenth day a child that is born shall be a great traveller, pass through many kingdoms and regions, and at last die at home in his old age. Do nothing on this day but what you would have known, for all secrets shall be brought to light.

On the eleventh day of the Moon the child that is born shall be of a good constitution, and be mightily devoted to religion, shall be long-lived, and of a lovely countenance; and if it be a female, she shall be endowed with wisdom and learning. On this day it is good to marry, for the married couple shall be happy all their lives, and be blessed with many children.

The twelfth day of the Moon’s age, in allusion to the twelfth sign of the Zodiac, betokenth nothing but sorrow and woe; and the child born this day shall be given to wrathfulness, and subject to many afflictions.

On the thirteenth day the child that is born shall be of a short life, and by reason of peevish crossness, never be pleased. To wed a wife on this day is good, for she shall be both loving and obedient to her husband.