Page:True lover's garland (1).pdf/2

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YE lads and lasses, far and near,
Come listen to my ditto, O,
How muirland Will, at Glasgow Fair,
Pick’d up a maid so pretty, O.
As Will was walkin’ up the street,
He almost tint his senses, O,
For ilka lass that he did meet
So kill’d him wi’ their glances, O.

At last a fair one she came by,
Will's very een enriched, O,
He stood and mus’d, and gaz’d around,
Just like a man bewitched, O.
At last, Will he recover'd strength,
And says, My lovely creature, O,
Your beauty rare makes you exceed
All other works of nature, O.

And if that you could fancy me,
Or on poor Will tak' pity, O,
My riches a’ I'd freely gi'e
To you, my lovely Katie, O.
I ha’e a house, a guid kail yard,
And twa milk kye for butter, O,
A note or twa in the kist neuk,

To buy baith tea and succur, O.