Page:True lover's garland (1).pdf/3

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Will had na very much to say,
Yet it was something funny, O;
But, for to ct a long tale short,
He bragg’d weel o’ his money, O.
The lassie’s heart was easy won,
She lik’d to hear o’ riches, O;
Besides, she thought o’er simple Will
She’d easy wear the breeches, O.

So Will and Kate they soon were wed,
But mark what follow’d after, O;
The honey moon was senreely pass’d,
Till they fill’d the town wi’ laughter, O;
For Will supp’d brose, and Kate lov’d tea,
This caus'd their first disaster, O:
Then worse and worse the contest grew,
Will curs’d her for a waster, O.

Then Kate she rose in furious rage,
And at him she let blatter, O,
The poker, tongs, and ladle, too,
On Will’s poor head play’d rattle, O.
She cried, You rogue, are you begun
To starve me here already, O?
Is this the vow you made to me,
To keep me like a lady, O?

But by my faith I'll let you know
I’m made o’ better metal, O,
Than to be starv’d by any sot,

Whilst I can give him battle, O.