Page:True religion a source of happiness.pdf/20

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But there are certain periods in the revolutions of time, and particular dispensations of di(illegible text) providence more immediately calculated to imp(illegible text) the mind with a deep sense of this important truth. The history of the world in all ages, universal experience, and general observation, unite in confirm(illegible text) the testimony of Scripture, that "man that is bor(illegible text) a woman is of few days, and full of trouble," Job, xv (illegible text) Indeed there is no subject, the truth of which is not universally acknowledged, than the shortness and (illegible text)certainty of human life. But while all are read(illegible text) confess the truth, yet how few, alas! among children of men live as if they really believed (illegible text) important fact. And hence we see the language the poet verified to an exceedingly great degree

"All men think all men mortal but themselves"

But though time be short, even as a hand-breadth or a span, it is of infinite value, it is of incalculable importance to the human race. Eternity sta(illegible text) time with everlasting importance to all. Tim(illegible text) the prelude, it is the forerunner to eternity: it is introduction to heaven or hell; to everlasting feli(illegible text) or to everlasting misery and woe. To one or other of these states it has introduced all who have liv(illegible text) and will most certainly introduce all who are present living, or shall hereafter live upon the face of the earth. How incalculable then is the importance of time, and yet how short and uncertain is its duration! But though the importance of time (illegible text) readily appear to all, it should ever be remembered that it can only be of real advantage to any as i(illegible text) improved in the present moment. Where is (illegible text) whole space of time which has elapsed since the dawn of the first morning till the present moment? Where is the present hour? Its moments are on (illegible text) wing, flying with rapid velocity! And if we (illegible text) where is to-morrow, or where is the next hour? (illegible text) question is involved in uncertainty, because it (illegible text)