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Come gie's a sang the lady cried,
And lay your disputes all aside,
What nonsense is’t for folks to chide
For what's been done before them.
Let whig and tory all agree,
Whig and tory, whig and tory,
Let whig and tory all agree
To drop their whigmegmorum.
Let whig and tory all agree
To spend the night with mirth and glee,
And cheerfu' sing alang with me
The reel of Tullochgorum.

Tullochgorum's my delight,
It gars us a' in ane unite,
And onie sumph that keeps up spite,
In conscience I abhor him:
Blithe and merry we's be a',
Blithe and merry, blithe and merry,
Blithe and merry we's be a',
To mak a cheerfu’ quorum;
Blithe and merry we's be a'
As lang as we hae breath to draw,
And dance till we be like to fa',
The reel of Tullochgorum.