Page:Tullochgorum (1).pdf/3

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There needs na be sae great a phrase
With bringing dull Italian lays;
I wadna gie our ain Strathspies
For half a hunder score o'm.
They're dowff and dowie at the best,
Dowff and dowie, dowff and dowie,
They're dowff and dowie at the best,
With a' their variorum:
They're dowff and dowie at the best,
Their allegros, and a' the rest,
They canna please a Highland taste,
Compared with Tullochgorum.

Let wardly minds themselves oppress,
With fear of want and double cess,
And silly sauls themselves distress,
With keeping up decorum.
Shall we sae sour and sulky sit,
Sour and sulky, sour and sulky,
Shall we sae sour and sulky sit,
Like auld Philosphorum?
Shall we sae sour and sulky sit,
With neither sense, nor mirth, nor wit,
And canna rise to shake a fit
To the reel of Tullochgorum.

May choicest blessings still attend
Each honest-hearted open friend,
And calm and quiet be his end,
Be a' that's gude before him!