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foolish, vain men, that what ever they seek after it is but few, who do bend toward the true chief good, which is God. There are indeed gods many and lords many: For whatever any fixeth his desires upon, and aimeth in all his actions at the obtaining and enjoying thereof is his lord and his god; whether it be honour or riches, or some object or other of vile concupiscence; yet there is but one God, who is truly and only desire-worthy, love-worthy, and honour-worthy. This one hath not a match or a parallel: For what can equal him? Yea, what in any worth, can come the length of the latchet of his shoes? He is that inestimable jewel, invaluable treasure, and incomparable pearl of price, that only worthy desire of all nations. O take a look of him as he is the being of beings, having being of himself independent of all other beings, and upon whom all other things depend in their being and operations. In him we live, in him we move, and of him we have our being. Do not all the pieces of the creation, heaven, earth and sea, sun, moon, and stars, the commonest and unworthiest creature that moveth upon the earth, bear large characters of his wisdom, power and goodness? Doth not his mysterious common providence, making the sharpest sighted of his creatures hid their faces, and become silent before him; declare him to be God; and that he is of one mind, and who can turn him? Do not the various Instruments that execute his will, signified by four chariots, Zech. vi. I. bringing about various dispensations, signified by the different colours of the horses; whether calamities of war, signified by the red; other doleful miseries signified by the black; mixed dispensations, black and white (so to speak) of mercy and judgment, signified by the grizzled and bay: or dispensations of mercy, signified by the white: I say, do not all these come forth from between the two mountains of brass? The one mountain signifieth his unalterable decree, and the other his effectual providence, which watcheth and waiteth that instuments bringnothing