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nothing to the birth, but what hath been conceived in the womb of his eternal purpose. O take a look of him in his perfections; he is without measure and limits, without beginning and ending; he is one and the same in his nature, in his counsels, and in his love; he perfectly knoweth himself; and all things that are possible, he can do all things which do not imply a contradiction, and argue imperfection: He is good and doth good; he is righteous in himself, and equal in all his ways of dealing with his creatures; he is true without any dissimulation; he is holy, and delighteth in his own holiness, and in every resemblance of it in his angels and saints. But, O who can think of him? And who can speak of him? He is infinite in all his attributes; and every perfection hath a perfect meeting in him: Albeit some of his attributes be in some degree communicable to his creatures, yet they are all in him, in an altogether incommunicable manner and measure; and there is nothing in God but what is God; for this is his name, I AM THAT I AM. And again, I say, who can think of him, and who can speak of him? who can comprehend him or compass him about? Who by understanding can search out God? Humble and believing ignorance is better than curious and prying knowledge: For, all that we can know of him is, to know that we cannot know him. Let us yet come a little nearer, and take a look of him, as he is our Saviour, in his condescendency, love, power, faithfulness, and other properties: O how condescending is he, though he be that high and lofty one, the Fathers equal, yet he stooped so low as to take upon him the nature of man, and all the sinless infirmities that attend it; He became flesh of our flesh, and bone of our bone, and that in the lowly condition of a servant; he suites the creatures affection, as if it were of some worth, and seeks men and women to match with him; O how loving is he? it is strong love that he beareth to that feed of Abraham: Doth not this shine in all that he hath done? He emptied himself that theymight