Chapter 8
but Mr. A. [for Mr. Andrews]. I do not want to go.
- Mr. K. [for Mr. King]. The meeting is adjourned.
After a middle initial which is merely a letter and not an abbreviation of a name.
- Daniel D Tompkins
- Ross T Mclntire
but Harry S. Truman (President Truman's preference)
After a short name which is not an abbreviation of the longer form.
- Alex
- Mac
- Ed
- Sam
After Roman numerals used as ordinals.
- King George V
- Super Bowl XLII
- Apollo XII insigne
After words and incomplete statements listed in columns. Full-measure matter is not to be regarded as a column.
Explanatory matter should be set in 6 point type under leaders or rules.
Immediately before leaders, even if an abbreviation precedes the leaders.
Question mark
The question mark is used—
To indicate a direct query, even if not in the form of a question.
- Did he do it?
- He did what?
- Can the money he raised? is the question.
- Who asked, "Why?" [Note single question mark.]
- "Did you hurt yourself, my son?" she asked.
To express more than one query in the same sentence.
- Can he do it? or you? or anyone?