Page:U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual 2008.djvu/456

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  • Scientific terms (6.42-6.44), 106
    State abbreviations (8.72, 9.12), 206, 223
    Unit modifiers (6.15-6.28), 98-102
    Not used when meaning is clear (6.16), 99
  • I
  • Ibid, id. (11.3), 252, 265
  • -ible, words ending in (5.11, 6.30), 89-91, 103
  • i.e., 252
  • Illustrations:
    Makeup (2.3i, 2.12, 2.18), 10, 11, 12
    Separate sheets (1.8), 1
  • Imprints (2.115-2.120), 24
    Signature marks (2.101-2.112), 22-23
  • Improvised compounds (6.46-6.52), 106-107
  • Inches, picas converted to, 341
  • Indentions (see also Overruns) (2.60-2.66), 17-18
    Datelines, addresses, and signatures (16.5-16.28), 309-319
    Do. (13.41-13.50), 286-287
    Extracts (2.24), 12
    Footnote tables (13.84), 291
    Hanging (2.62-2.63), 17
    Heads (2.65-2.66), 18
    Paragraphs (2.60-2.61), 17
  • Index (15.20-15.30), 305-307
    Entries (15.27), 306
    Part of book (2. 3n), 10
    Plural form (5.10), 88-89
    Roman numerals (15.22), 305
    See, see also (11.11, 15.20), 267, 305
  • Inferior figures and letters:
    Chemical elements (6.43), 106
    Chemical formulas (10.16, 11.12, 12.15), 261,267,275
    Equations (10.8), 260
    Italic (10.8, 11.12), 260, 267
    Precede superiors (10.15), 260
    Preparing (2.33), 14
  • Information technology acronyms (9.64), 255
  • Infra:
    Italic (11.3), 265
    Not abbreviated (9.49), 235
  • Integral sign (10.14), 260
  • Interjections:
    Capitalization (3.56), 42
    Exclamation point (8.83-8.85), 208
  • Introduction (2.3f), 10
  • -ise, -ize, -yze (5.12), 91
  • Italic (11.1-11.16), 265-268
    Aircraft (11.6), 265-266
    Ante, post (11.3), 265
    Continued from (11.11), 267
    Credit line (8.66), 205
    Datelines, addresses, and signatures (16.5-16.26), 309-319
    Emphasis (11.2), 265
    Equations (10.7-10.8, 11.12-11.13), 260, 267-268
    Fol. lit., etc. (2.38), 14-15
    Foreign words, etc. (11.2-11.3), 265
    Inferior letters (10.8, 11.12), 260, 267
    Infra, supra (11.3), 265
    Italic supplied, etc. (11.4), 268
    Legal cases (11.8), 266
    Legends (2.73, 11.14), 18, 268
    Nth degree (11.12), 267
    Paragraphs and sections, indicating (11.15), 268
    Provided, Resolved, etc. (3.45, 11.11), 40, 267
    To be followed (11.5), 265
    Publications, titles of (11.2), 265
    Salutations (8.25, 16.14), 199, 312
    Scientific names (11.9-11.10), 267
    See, see also (11.11, 15.20), 267, 305
    Symbols (2.73, 11.12-11.14), 18, 267-268
    Tabular work (13.95-13.96), 293
    Units of quantity (13.123, 14.14), 298, 301
    v. (11.8), 266
    Vessels (11.6-11.7, 13.95), 265-266, 293