Page:U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual 2008.djvu/457

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  • X dollars (11.12), 267
  • -ize, -ise, -yze (5.12), 91
  • J
  • Journals (2.2), 7-9
  • Jr., Sr.:
    Abbreviation (9.32, 9.34), 230
    Index entries (15.27), 306
    Punctuation (8.39, 9.34), 200, 230
    Type (9.37, 16.3), 231, 309
  • K
  • King (3.34), 37
  • Known as (8.128), 215
  • L
  • Land area abbreviations (9.56), 236-237
  • Land descriptions (9.20-9.22, 12.9f), 225, 272
  • Latin abbreviations (9.63, 11.3), 251-255, 265
  • Latitude, longitude:
    Abbreviated (9.51, 13.9), 235, 281
    Division at end of line (9.52), 235
    Spaces omitted (9.51, 12.9f), 235, 272
  • Law (3.40), 39
  • Leaders:
    Abbreviation before (8.123, 13.13), 214, 282
    Leaderwork (14.1), 299
    Tabular work (13.97-13.101), 293-294
  • Leaderwork (14.1-14.20) (see also Tabular Work), 299-302
    Bearoff (14.2), 299
    Clears (14.9), 300
    Columns (14.3-14.4), 299-300
    Continued heads (14.5), 300
    Definition (14.1), 299
    Do. (14.6), 300
    Dollar mark and ciphers (14.7-14.8), 300
    Double up (14.19), 302
    Examples (14.15-14.20), 301-302
    Flush items and subheads (14.9-14.10), 300
    Footnotes (14.11-14.13), 301
    Units of quantity (14.14-14.20), 301-302
  • Leading and spacing (2.48-2.59), 16-17
    Datelines, addresses, and signatures (16.4), 309
    Extracts (2.54-2.57), 17
    Footnotes (2.58), 17
    Legends (2.59), 17
    Line of stars (8.79), 207
    Page, section, etc., over figure columns (15.21), 305
    Tabular work, boxheads (13.18), 282
    Tabular work, centerheads (13.25), 284
    Tabular work, footnotes (13.66), 289
    Abbreviations with points (9.6), 221
    Ampersand (9.7), 222
    Article, section (9.39), 232
    Citations (8.28), 199
    Clock time (8.26, 12.9b), 199, 271
    Colon (8.23-8.33), 198-200
    Datelines, addresses, and signatures (16.4), 309
    Degrees, academic (9.7, 9.32-9.33, 9.35-9.36), 222, 230, 231
    Ellipses (8.76), 207-208
    Footnote references (8.50, 15.12, 15,19), 202, 304, 305
    Footnote symbols (13.69, 15.12), 290, 304
    Footnotes, two or more (2.19), 12
    Heads, center, side (2.50), 16
    Initials, personal name (9.7), 222
    Letters or figures in parentheses (2.40, 8.94), 15.209
    Mathematical signs (10.3), 259
    Names, space after in small cap heads (3.13-3.16, 3.47-3.48), 30, 40
    Particles (3.48), 40-41
    Question mark (8.124-8.126), 214-215
    Quotation marks (8.127-8.144), 215-218
    Section mark (10.6), 259