4. Capitalization Examples
- A
- A-bomb
- abstract B, 1, etc.
- Academy:
- Air Force; the Academy
- Andover; the academy
- Coast Guard; the Academy
- Merchant Marine; the Academy
- Military; the Academy
- National Academy of Sciences; the Academy of Sciences; the academy
- Naval; the Academy
- but service academies
- accord, Paris peace (see Agreement)
- accords, Helsinki
- Act (Federal, State, or foreign), short or popular title or with number; the act:
- Appropriations
- Classification
- Clear Skies
- Economy
- Flood Control
- Military Selective Service
- No Child Left Behind
- Organic Act of Virgin Islands
- Panama Canal
- Revenue
- Sarbanes-Oxley
- Stockpiling
- Tariff
- Trademark
- Walsh-Healey Act; but Walsh-Healey law (or bill)
- act, labor-management relations
- Acting, if part of capitalized title
- Active Duty
- Adjutant General, the (see The)
- Administration, with name; capitalized standing alone if Federal unit:
- Farmers Home
- Food and Drug
- Maritime
- Transportation Security
- but Bush administration; administration bill, policy, etc.
- Administrative Law Judge Davis; Judge Davis; an administrative law judge
- Admiralty, British, etc.
- Admiralty, Lord of the
- Adobe Acrobat Reader
- Adviser, Legal (Department of State)
- Africa:
- east
- East Coast
- north
- South
- South-West (Territory of)
- West Coast
- African-American (see Black; Negro)
- Agency, if part of name; capitalized standing alone if referring to Federal unit:
- Central Intelligence; the Agency
- Chippewa (Indian); the agency
- agent orange
- Age(s):
- Age of Discovery
- Dark Ages
- Elizabethan Age
- Golden Age (of Pericles only)
- Middle Ages
- but atomic age; Cambrian age; copper age; ice age; missile age; rocket age; space age; stone age; etc.
- Agreement, with name; the agreement:
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT); the general agreement