Page:U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual 2008.djvu/60

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Chapter 4.

International Wheat Agreement; the wheat agreement; the coffee agreement
North American Free-Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Status of Forces; but status-of-forces agreements
United States-Canada Free-Trade Agreement; the free-trade agreement
but the Geneva agreement; the Potsdam agreement; Paris peace agreement
Air Force:
Air National Guard (see National)
Base (with name); Air Force base (see Base; Station)
Civil Air Patrol; Civil Patrol; the patrol
Command (see Command)
One (Presidential plane)
Reserve Officers' Training Corps
Airport: La Guardia; Reagan National; the airport
Al Jazeera
Alaska Native (collective term for Aleuts, Eskimos, Inuits, and Indians of Alaska):
the Native; but Ohio native, a native of Alaska, etc.
Alliance, Farmers', etc.; the alliance
alliances and coalitions (see also powers):
Allied Powers; the powers (World Wars I and II)
Atlantic alliance
Axis, the; Axis Powers; the powers
Benelux (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg)
Big Four (European); of the Pacific
Big Three
Central Powers; the powers (World War I)
Coalition of the Willing
European Economic Community
Fritalux (France, Italy, Benelux countries)
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (see Organization)
Western Powers
Allied (World Wars I and II):
Powers; the powers; but European powers
Supreme Allied Commander
Allies, the (World Wars I and II); also members of Western bloc (political entity); but our allies; weaker allies, etc.
Al Qaeda
Alzheimer's disease
British, etc.; the Ambassador; the Senior Ambassador; His Excellency Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary; the Ambassador; Ambassador at Large; an ambassador
Baker amendment
Social Security Amendments of 1983; 1983 amendments; the Social Security amendments; the amendments
to the Constitution (U.S.); but First Amendment, 14th Amendment, etc.; the Amendment
Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO); the federation
Gold Star Mothers, Inc.; Gold Star Mothers; a Mother
Legion (see Legion)
National Red Cross; the Red Cross
Veterans of World War II (AMVETS)
War Mothers; a Mother
AmeriCorps Program
Amtrak (National Railroad Passenger Corporation)