Page:UNDOC GEN NR0 759 80.pdf/3

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Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters combined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document.

The resolutions and decisions of the General Assembly are identified as follows:

Regular sessions

Until the thirtieth regular session, the resolutions of the General Assembly were identified by an arabic numeral followed by a roman numeral in parentheses indicating the session (for example: resolution 3363 (XXX) ). When several resolutions were adopted under the same number, each of them was identified by a capital letter placed between the two numerals (for example: resolution 3367 A (XXX), resolutions 3411 A and B (XXX), resolutions 3419 A to D (XXX) ). The decisions were not numbered.

Since the thirty-first session, as part of the new system adopted for symbols of General Assembly documents, resolutions and decisions have been identified by an arabic numeral, indicating the session, followed by an oblique stroke and another arabic numeral (for example: resolution 31/1, decision 31/301). When several resolutions or decisions were adopted under the same number, each of them has been identified by a capital letter placed after the two numerals (for example: resolution 31/16 A, resolution 31/6 A and B, decisions 31/406 A to E).

Special sessions

Until the seventh special session, the resolutions of the General Assembly were identified by an arabic numeral followed, in parentheses, by the letter “S” and a roman numeral indicating the session (for example: resolution 3362 (S-VII) ). The decisions were not numbered.

Since the eighth special session, resolutions and decisions have been identified by the letter “S” and an arabic numeral indicating the session, followed by an oblique stroke and another arabic numeral (for example: resolution S-8/1, decision S-8/11).

Emergency special sessions

Until the fifth emergency special session, the resolutions of the General Assembly were identified by an arabic numeral followed, in parentheses, by the letters “ES” and a roman numeral indicating the session (for example: resolution 2252 (ES-V) ). The decisions were not numbered.

Since the sixth emergency special session, resolutions and decisions have been identified by the letters “ES” and an arabic numeral indicating the session, followed by an oblique stroke and another arabic numeral (for example: resolution ES-6/1, decision ES-6/11).

In each of the series described above, the numbering follows the order of adoption.

In addition to the text of resolutions and decisions adopted by the General Assembly during its thirty-fourth session, the present volume contains a list indicating the allocation of agenda items (sect. I), a list of principal and subsidiary organs with a reference to their composition (annex I), a list of conventions, declarations and other instruments (annex II), an index (annex III) and a check list of resolutions and decisions (annex IV).