Page:UNDOC GEN NR0 759 80.pdf/4

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Section Page
I. Allocation of agenda items 1
II. Resolutions adopted without reference to a Main Committee 11
III. Resolutions adopted on the reports of the First Committee 45
IV. Resolutions adopted on the reports of the Special Political Committee 71
V. Resolutions adopted on the reports of the Second Committee 87
VI. Resolutions adopted on the reports of the Third Committee 161
VII. Resolutions adopted on the reports of the Fourth Committee 199
VIII. Resolutions adopted on the reports of the Fifth Committee 213
IX. Resolutions adopted on the reports of the Sixth Committee 239
X. Decisions 251
  A. Elections and appointments 251
  B. Other decisions
    1. Decisions adopted without reference to a Main Committee 252
    2. Decisions adopted on the reports of the First Committee 253
    3. Decisions adopted on the reports of the Special Political Committee 253
    4. Decisions adopted on the reports of the Second Committee 253
    5. Decisions adopted on the reports of the Third Committee 253
    6. Decisions adopted on the reports of the Fourth Committee 253
    7. Decisions adopted on the reports of the Fifth Committee 254
    8. Decisions adopted on the reports of the Sixth Committee 254
I. Composition of organs 277
II. Conventions, declarations and other instruments 279
III. Index of resolutions and decisions 281
IV. Check list of resolutions and decisions 293