Page:UN Treaty Series - vol 221.pdf/294

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United Nations — Treaty Series

the following condition to the acceptance of Article IV of the said Convention by the Government of India:

The concession of duty-free import would be available to only those catalogues, price lists and trade notices which are supplied free.


[Translation — Traduction]

The obligation imposed by Article VI of the Convention not to apply import prohibitions or restrictions on the importation of goods which qualify for temporary duty-free admission in virtue of part (b) of the same article, shall not extend to vehicles, equipment and machinery which it is desired to import temporarily into Spain while Trade Exhibitions or Fairs of an international character are in progress, or during the preceding or succeeding two months.

Vehicles, machinery and equipment which, at the beginning of the above-mentioned period, are installed or in use in Spain for demonstration purposes must be re-exported or introduced into the Trade Exhibition or Fair which is about to take place.

No. 3010