Government. — 1. General officers: General president, first vice president and 12 additional vice presidents, secretary-treasurer, editor, executive board, and organizer. The executive board consists of three members: General president, first vice president, and secretary-treasurer.
"The executive board shall have control of all executive business and shall fill all vacancies. They shall have power to settle all disputes, grievances, lockouts between employers or exchanges," and their "decisions shall be binding, subject to an appeal to the convention. * * * They shall have full and complete control over all strikes."
2. Local unions: Autonomy not defined in constitution.
3. Conventions: Held biennially; enacts legislation and elects general officers. No referendum.
Qualifications for membership. — "No applicant for membership shall be Initiated into any local of this association until he has completed his full term of apprenticeship to the trade."
Apprenticeship regulations. — " Subordinate associations shall have jurisdiction over the apprentice system. * * * In any local where there are not more than 25 members there shall be not more than 2 apprentices allowed."
Ratio of apprentices to journeymen governed by agreement, not by constitutional provision.
Agreements. — Negotiated by local unions with local employers, either individually or in association. Agreements subject to approval of the executive board.
Benefits. — Strike and lockout; death.
Official organ. — The Plasterer.
Headquarters. — Castell Building, Mlddletown, Ohio.
Organization. — Local unions only: United States — Alabama, 7; Arizona, 2; Arkansas, 7; California, 29; Colorado, 8; Delaware, 1; District of Columbia, 1; Florida, 16; Georgia, 5; Idaho, 3; Illinois, 37; Indiana, 31; Iowa, 15; Kansas, 13; Kentucky, 6; Louisiana, 5; Maine, 1; Maryland, 3; Massachusetts, 6; Michigan, 13; Minnesota, 6; Mississippi, 4; Missouri, 16; Montana, 4; Nebraska, 3; Nevada, 2; New Jersey, 5; New Mexico, 2; New York, 14; North Carolina, 5; Ohio, 32; Oklahoma, 16; Oregon, 8; Pennsylvania, 43; Rhode Island, 1; South Carolina, 4; South Dakota, 1; Tennessee, 6; Texas, 23; Utah, 4 ; Virginia, 7; Washington, 11; West Virginia, 7; Wisconsin, 11 ; Wyoming, 4; Hawaii, 1. Canada — Alberta, 2; British Columbia, 1; Manitoba, 2; Nova Scotia, 1; Ontario, 7; Quebec, 2; Saskatchewan, 2. Total, 466.
Membership. — 43.000.Plumbers and Steam Fitters of the United States and Canada, United Association of Journeymen
Affiliated to the American Federation of Labor.
Organized October 11, 1889, in Washington, D. C. Prior to the founding of the present United Association an organization known as the International Association of Plumbers, Steam Fitters and Gas Fitters was formed at Cincinnati, Ohio, composed of Knights of Labor locals and a few independent craft unions. This organization and representatives of local organizations which had not identified themselves with the national body met in Washington on October 11, 1889, and established the United Association of Journeymen Plumbers and Steam Fitters.
A dual organization, the International Union of Steam and Hot Water Fitters, was chartered by the American Federation of Labor in 1899 and both unions functioned separately until 1912, when amalgamation was ordered by the American Federation of Labor