and the Building Trades Department. The International Union of Steam and Hot Water Fitters refused to comply with the order and was expelled from the federation. Subsequently, while actual amalgamation did not occur, local organizations of the outlawed union withdrew from the parent body and were chartered as local unions of the United Association, and the International Union of Steam and Hot Water Fitters passed out of existence.
Objects. — "The aspirations of this association are to construct an organization which shall subserve the interest of all its members and be a fitting monument to the unions attached thereto. The objects of this association are to protect its members from unjust and injurious competition, and secure through unity of action among all workers of the trade throughout the United States and Canada, claiming as we do that labor is capital, and Is the only capital that possesses power to reproduce itself, or, in other words, to create capital. Labor is the interest underlying all other interests; therefore, it is entitled to and should receive from society and government protection and encouragement."
Territorial jurisdiction. — United States and possessions and Canada.
Trade jurisdiction. — All branches of the pipe-fitting industry (plumbers, gas fitters, steam fitters, sprinkler fitters, railroad fitters, marine plumbers, marine fitters, general pipe fitters, steam, sprinkling, and marine fitters' helpers and apprentices).
Government. — 1. General officers, composed of president, secretary-treasurer, assistant secretary, 13 general organizers, and 14 vice presidents (7 plumbers and 7 steam fitters) "shall have full discretionary powers over all things connected with the association between conventions (except decisions made at conventions).
2. State associations: Delegate bodies chartered by the association. "Where such State associations exists it shall be mandatory upon all locals in that State to affiliate." * * * state associations "shall have power to create * * * such funds as in their judgment seem wise, such funds to be used for the protection and promotion of the trade in their respective jurisdiction."
3. Local unions: Subordinate.
4. Convention: Held quadrennially; enacts legislation and elects general officers. Amendments to constitution and revision of laws by convention or by initiative and referendum.
Qualifications for membership. — Any competent journeyman plumber or steam fitter is eligible to membership. Competency determined by examination.
Apprenticeship regulations. — "Whenever necessary, local unions may allow each shop 1 apprentice, where they employ 1 or more journeymen steadily, and 1 additional apprentice for every 5 men steadily employed up to 20; but in no case shall any shop be entitled to more than 4 apprentices. Each apprentice shall be registered by a joint committee of employers and journeymen and must serve an apprenticeship of five years."
Agreements. — Negotiated by local unions, generally with employers' associations.
A national agreement covering sprinkler fitters in Local No. 669 (branches in Baltimore, Boston, Buffalo, Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, Los Angeles, Newark, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Providence) is made between the general officers of the United Association and representatives of several concerns manufacturing and installing automatic fire-extinguishing apparatus. (Kansas City, Minneapolis, St. Louis, Chicago, Milwaukee, and San Francisco sprinkler fitters make local agreements with sprinkler companies.)
Benefits. — Strike and lockout; sick; death.
Official organ. — Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters' Journal.
Headquarters. — Machinists Building, Washington, D. C.
Organization. — State associations: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New England, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Potomac (District of Columbia), Texas, Washington, Westchester County (New York), Wisconsin; Ontario and Saskatchewan.
District Councils: Central New York, Greater New York; Hudson Valley (N. Y.), Los Angeles, Northern California, Great Lakes, Hudson County (N. J.), Milwaukee Pipe Trades, Boston and vicinity. New England, Buffalo and vicinity.