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24° & 25° VICTORIÆ, Cap. 100.

Offences against the Person.

Harm to any Person whatsoever, shall be guilty of a Misdemeanor, and being convicted thereof shall be liable, at the Discretion of the Court, to be imprisoned for any Term not exceeding Two Years, with or without Hard Labour.


Obstructing or assaulting a Clergyman or other Minister in the Discharge of his Duties.36. Whosoever shall, by Threats or Force, obstruct or prevent, or endeavour to obstruct or prevent, any Clergyman or other Minister in or from celebrating Divine Service or otherwise officiating in any Church, Chapel, Meeting House, or other Place of Divine Worship, or in or from the Performance of his Duty in the lawful Burial of the Dead in any Churchyard or other Burial Place, or shall strike or offer any Violence to, or shall, upon any Civil Process, or under the Pretence of executing any Civil Process, arrest any Clergyman or other Minister who is engaged in, or to the Knowledge of the Offender is about to engage in, any of the Rites or Duties in this Section aforesaid, or who to the Knowledge of the Offender shall be going to perform the same or returning from the Performance thereof, shall be guilty of a Misdemeanor, and being convicted thereof shall be liable, at the Discretion of the Court, to be imprisoned for any Term not exceeding Two Years, with or without Hard Labour.

Assaulting a Magistrate, &c. on account of his preserving Wreck.37. Whosoever shall assault and strike or wound any Magis. trate, Officer, or other Person whatsoever lawfully authorized, in or on account of the Exercise of his Duty in or concerning the Preservation of any Vessel in Distress, or of any Vessel, Goods, or Effects wrecked, stranded, or cast on shore, or lying under Water, shall be guilty of a Misdemeanor, and being convicted thereof shall be liable, at the Discretion of the Court, to be kept in Penal Servitude for any Term not exceeding Seven Years and not less than Three Years,—or to be imprisoned for any Term not exceeding Two Years, with or without Hard Labour.

Assault with Intent to commit Felony, or on Peace Officers, &c.38. Whosoever shall assault any Person with Intent to commit Felony, or shall assault, resist, or wilfully obstruct any Peace Officer in the due Execution of his Duty, or any Person acting in aid of such Officer, or shall assault any Person with Intent to resist or prevent the lawful Apprehension or Detainer of himself or of any other Person for any Offence, shall be guilty of a Misdemeanor, and being convicted thereof shall be liable, at the Discretion of the Court, to be imprisoned for any Term not exceeding Two Years, with or without Hard Labour.

Assaults with Intent to obstruct39. Whosoever shall beat, or use any Violence or Threat of Violence to any Person, with Intent to deter or hinder him from buying, selling,
