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24° & 25° VICTORIÆ, Cap. 100.

Offences against the Person.

the Sale of Grain, or its free Passage.or otherwise disposing of, or to compel him to buy, sell, or otherwise dispose of, any Wheat or other Grain, Flour, Meal, Malt, or Potatoes, in any Market or other Place, or shall beat or use any such Violence or Threat to any Person having the Care or Charge of any Wheat or other Grain. Flour, Meal, Malt, or Potatoes, whilst on the Way to or from any City, Market Town, or other Place, with Intent to stop the Conveyance of the same, shall, on conviction thereof before Two Justices of the Peace, be liable to be imprisoned and kept to Hard Labour in the Common Gaol or House of Correction for any Term not exceeding Three Months: Provided that no Person who shall be punished for any such Offence by virtue of this Section shall be punished for the same Offence by virtue of any other Law whatsoever.

Assaults on Seamen, &c.40. Whosoever shall unlawfully and with Force hinder or prevent any Seaman, Keelman, or Caster from working at or exercising his lawful Trade. Business, or Occupation, or shall beat or use any Violence to any such Person with Intent to hinder or prevent him from working at or exercising the same, shall, on Conviction thereof before Two Justices of the Peace, be liable to be imprisoned and kept to Hard Labour in the Common Gaol or House of Correction for any Term not exceeding Three Months: Provided that no Person who shall be punished for any such Offence by reason of this Section shall be punished for the same Offence by virtue of any other Law whatsoever.

Assaults arising from Combination.41. Whosoever, in pursuance of any unlawful Combination or Conspiracy to raise the Rate of Wages, or of any unlawful Combine, tion or Conspiracy respecting any Trade, Business, or Manufacture, or respecting any Person concerned or employed therein, shall unlawfully assault any Person, shall be guilty of a Misdemeanor, and being convicted thereof shall be liable, at the Discretion of the Court, to be imprisoned for any Term not exceeding Two Years, with or without Hard Labour.

Persons committing any Common Assault or Battery may be imprisoned or compelled by Two Magistrates to pay Fine and Costs not exceeding 5l.42. Where any Person shall unlawfully assault or beat any other Person, Two Justices of the Peace, upon Complaint by or on behalf of the Party aggrieved, may hear and determine such Offence, and the Offender shall, upon Conviction thereof before them, at the Discretion of the Justices, either be committed to the Common Gaol or House of Correction, there to be imprisoned with or without Hard Labour for any Term not exceeding Two Months, or else shall forfeit and pay such Fine as shall appear to them to be meet, not exceeding, together with Costs (if ordered), the Sum of Five Pounds; and if such Fine as shall be so awarded, together with the Oosts (if ordered), shall not be paid, either immediately after the Convic-
