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24° & 25° VICTORIÆ, Cap. 100.

Offences against the Person.

Hard Labour, and with or without Solitary Confinement, and if a Male under the Age of Sixteen Years, with or without Whipping.

Justices may issue Warrants for searching Houses, &c. in which explosive Substances are suspected to be made for the Purpose of committing Felonies against this Act.65. Any Justice of the Peace of any County or Place in which any such Gunpwder, or other explosive, dangerous, or noxious Substance or Thing, or any such Machine, Engine, Instrument, or Thing, is suspected to be made, kept, or carried for the Purpose of being used in committing any of the Felonies in this Act mentioned, upon reasonable Cause assigned upon Oath by any Person, may issue a Warrant under his Hand and Seal for searching in the Daytime, any House, Mill, Magazine, Storehouse, Warehouse, Shop, Cellar, Yard, Wharf, or other Place, or any Carriage, Wagon, Cart, Ship, Boat, or Vessel, in which the same is suspected to be made, kept, or carried for such Purpose as herein-before mentioned; and every Person acting in the Execution of any such Warrant shall have, for seizing, removing to proper Places, and detaining all such Gunpwder, explosive, dangerous, or noxious Substances, Machines, Engines, Instruments, or Things, found upon such Search, which he shall have good Cause to suspect to be intended to be used in committing any such Offence, and the Barrels, Packages, Cases, and other Receptacles in which the same shall be, the same Powers and Protections which are given to Persons searching for unlawful Quantities of Gunpowder under the Warrant of a Justice be the Act passed in the Session holden in the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Years of the Reign of Her present Majesty, Chapter One hundred and thirty-nine, intituled 23 & 24 Vict. c. 139.An Act to amend the Law concerning the making, keeping, and Carriage of Gunpowder and Compositions of an explosive Nature, and concerning the Manufacture, Sale, and Use of Fireworks.

Other Matters.

Persons loitering at Night, suspected of Felony may be appreheded.66. Any Constable or Peace Officer may take into Custody, without a Warrant, any Person whom he shall find lying or loitering in any Highway, Yard, or other Place during the Night, and whom he shall have good Cause to suspect of having committed or being about to commit any Felony in this Act mentioned, and shall take such Person as soon as reasonably may be before a Justice of the Peace, to be dealt according to Law.

Punishment of Principals in the Second Degree, and Accessories.67. In the Case of every Felony punishable under this Act, every Principal in the Second Degree, and every Accessory before the Fact shall be punishable in the same Manner as the Principal in the First Degree is by this Act punishable; and every Accessory after the Fact to any Felony punishable under this Act (except Murder) shall be liable to be imprisoned for any Term not exceeding Two Years, with or without Hard Labour; and every Accessory after the Fact to Murder shall be liable, at the Discretion of the Court, to be kept in Penal Servitude for Life or for any Term not less than Three Years, or to be imprisoned for any Term not exceeding
