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24° & 25° VICTORIÆ, Cap. 100.

Offences against the Person.

Two Years, with or without Hard Labour; and whosoever shall counsel, aid, or abet the Commission of any indictable Misdemeanor punishable under this Act shall be liable to be proceeded against, indicted, and punished as a principal Offender.

Offences committed within Jurisdiction of Admiralty.68. All indictable Offences mentioned in this Act which shall be committed within the Jurisdiction of the Admiralty of England or Ireland shall be deemed to be Offences of the same Nature and liable to the same Punishments as if they had been committed upon the Land in England or Ireland, and may be dealt with, inquired of, tried, and determined in any County or Place in England or Ireland in which the Offender shall be apprehended or be in Custody, in the same Manner in all respects as if they had been actually committed in that County or Place; and in any Indictment for any such Offence, or for being an Accessory to such an Offence, the Venue in the Margin shall be the same as if the Offence had been committed in such County or Place, and the Offence shall be averred to have been committed "on the High Seas:" Provided that nothing herein contained shall alter or affect any of the Laws relating to the Government of Her Majesty's Land or Naval Forces.

Hard Labour in Gaol, &c.69. Whenever Imprisonment, with or without Hard Labour, may be awarded for any indictable Offence under this Act, the Court may sentence the Offender to be imprisoned, or to be imprisoned and kept to Hard Labour, in the Common Gaol or House of Correction.

Solitary Confinement and Whipping.70. Whenever Solitary Confinement may be awarded for any Offence under this Act, the Court may direct the Offender to be kept in Solitary Confinement for any Portion or Portions of any Imprisonment, or of any Imprisonment with Hard Labour, which the Court may award, not exceeding One Month at any One Time, and not exceeding Three Months in any One Year; and whenever Whipping may be awarded for any Offence under this Act, the Court may sentence the Offender to be once privately whipped, and the Number of Stokes and the Instrument with which they shall be inflicted shall be specified by the Court in the Sentence.

Fine, and Sureties for keeping the Peace; in what Cases.71. Whenever any Person shall be convicted of any indictable Misdemeanor punishable under this Act, the Court may, if it shall think fit, in addition to or lieu of any Punishment by this Act authorized, fine the Offender, and require him to enter into his own
