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24° & 25° VICTORIÆ, Cap. 100.

Offences against the Person.

Recognizances and to find Sureties, both or either, for keeping the Peace, in addition to any Punishment by this Act authorized; provided that no Person shall be imprisoned for not finding Sureties under this Clause for any Period exceeding One Year.

No Certiorari, &c.72. No summary Conviction under this Act shall be quashed for Want of Form, or be removed by Certiorari into any of Her Majesty's Superior Courts of Record; and no Warrant of Commitment shall be held void by reason of any Defect therein, provided it be therein alleged that the Party has been convicted, and there be a good and valid Conviction to sustain the same.

Guardians and Overseers may be required to prosecute in certain Cases of Offences against this Act.73. Where any Complaint shall be made of any Offence against Section Twenty-six of this Act, or of any bodily Injury inflicted upon any Person under the Age of Sixteen Years, for which the Party committing it is liable to be indicted, and the Circumstances of which Offence amount, in Point of Law, to a Felony, or an Attempt to commit a Felony, or an Assault with Intent to commit a Felony, and Two Justices of the Peace before whom such Complaint is heard shall certify under their Hands that it is necessary for the Purposes of Public Justice that the Prosecution should be conducted by the Guardians of the Union or Place, or, where there are no Guardians, by the Overseers of the Poor of the Place, in which the Offence shall be charged to have been committed, such Guardians or Overseers, as the Case may be, upon personal Service of such Certificate or a Duplicate thereof upon the Clerk of such Guardians or upon any One of such Overseers, shall conduct the Prosecution, Costs of Prosecution.and shall pay the Costs reasonably and properly incurred by them therein (so far as the same shall not be allowed to them under any Order of any Court) out of the Common Fund of the Union, or out of the Funds in the Hands of the Guardians or Overseers, as the Case may be; Clerk may be bound over to prosecute.and, where there is a Board of Guardians, the Clerk or some other Officer of the Union or Place, and where there is no Board of Guardians, One of the Overseers of the Poor, may, if such Justices think it necessary for the Purposes of Public Justice, be bound over to prosecute.

On Conviction for Assault Court may order Pay-74. Where any Person shall be convicted on any Indictment of any Assault, whether with or without Battery or Wounding, or either of them, such Person may, if the Court think fit, in addition to any Sentence which the Court may deem proper for the Offence, be
