Page:Under MacArthur in Luzon.djvu/185

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expected to make its stand on the banks of the river named.

"Well, I hope they do make a stand," said Ben, when he heard the news. "I would rather be fighting than running after them all day, especially in this heat."

On Monday, while the army was obtaining supplies from Manila, General Lawton went aboard the Helena and inspected the "lay of the land" below Las Piñas. His observations led him to believe that the rebels were indeed preparing for a stand, and the grim war veteran smiled quietly to himself as he returned to his headquarters.

Our soldiers had not advanced far on Tuesday when a rebel battery just south of Las Piñas opened up in grand style, which was replied to by our First Artillery and our warships in the bay. General Lawton took out several companies to inspect the roads leading from the shore to the American position and was almost caught in an ambush by rebels who could neither advance nor retreat. This brought on a terrific hand-to-hand encounter, and at first the Americans were scattered. But the gallant Lawton, who knew not the meaning of defeat, rallied his men and stormed the rebel