Page:Under MacArthur in Luzon.djvu/186

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position repeatedly. In the meantime reënforcements were ordered up,—Ben's battalion among the rest,—and the fight grew hotter each instant. Ben's company had to wade through water and mud up to their ankles, in marsh-brush which was taller than their heads, and under a galling fire coming from a number of nipa huts lining the road beyond. These nipa huts had been occupied by Tagals who pretended to be friendly to the Americans, but now their white rags were gone and they, showed their true character.

"On, men, we are needed at the front—General Lawton himself needs us!" cried Major Morris; and the battalion made a spurt, cheering Lawton and the flag as they advanced. Shot and shell were flying in every direction, and soon the swamp brush was afire in a dozen places, the heavy smoke adding itself to that from the volunteers' firearms.

"We are up against it this trip!" cried Gilbert, as he ran beside Ben for a few paces. "I reckon the rebels are making the fight of their lives."

"It's no worse than at Malolos," answered the young captain. "I know—"

"Down!" came the cry from the front, and the officers bent low. There was a roar and a rattle,