Page:Under MacArthur in Luzon.djvu/187

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and shot and shell went shrieking over their heads. Then the din became so terrific that further conversation was impossible.

General Lawton's detachment was gained, and now the fight was to get to Overshine's brigade, also fighting desperately against an enemy numbering well up into the thousands. Every trail and every jungle held its Filipinos, all well armed and fighting for once with a courage which was phenomenal.

"Kill the pigs!" was the native cry. "Kill them! Spare not those who would take our beloved homes from us!" And then would follow a shrill yelling which was deafening, to be swallowed up in another rattle and roar of rifles and cannon. The very ground was torn up as by ploughs run mad, and the dead and dying lay everywhere, the painfully wounded shrieking for help, for water, for death to relieve them of their sufferings. Such is the ghastly terror of real war.

Sick at heart, almost stunned by the harrowing sights which constantly met their gaze, Ben and Larry kept on, close together, each mentally praying that the other might be spared to him. Ammunition was running low, and they fired now only