Page:Under MacArthur in Luzon.djvu/202

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"Yes," was the surly reply.

"Then row around to the steps on the left. Be quick about it."

The order was obeyed, and as the casco reached the shore, Major Morris made a sign to Stummer and Casey, who caught the fisherman from behind and bound his hands.

"We will see if you have done as I told you to," said the major. "If you have fooled us, remember, your life is no longer your own."

"It is the right place," said the fisherman.

Scarcely had the words been spoken than two rifle shots rang out and two bullets sped across the rocky cliff, one striking the casco near the bow, and the other hitting the water beyond the boat.

"The enemy!" cried Gilbert. "Down!"

A volley followed, coming from behind the stone tower. One man was struck—Boxer the scout—and killed outright. The fisherman was also hit in the shoulder, and in his terror leaped overboard, waded ashore, and sped for the nearest jungle. The next instant our friends also entered the water and ran for a path leading to the top of the cliff.