Page:Under MacArthur in Luzon.djvu/203

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"I reckon we have found the guerilla chief!" cried Gilbert, as the Americans came to a halt behind a tumbled-down stone wall, attached to the old watch-tower.

"He seems to have found us," answered Major Morris, with an anxious look in his face. "Come, follow me. We have no time to waste here."

"Major, have ye got a particklar dislike ef I take jest one shot?" came from Ralph Sorrel, the tall Tennesseean.

"No; shoot if you have anything to shoot at," was the answer, and it was not yet fully delivered when Sorrel's rifle came up and there was a sharp crack, followed by a distant yell, and a Filipino fell out of some bushes not a hundred yards distant.

"Knew as how I could fetch him," murmured the mountaineer.

The party moved on, along the stone wall, until they reached a clump of bushes, behind which was