Page:Under MacArthur in Luzon.djvu/204

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a small mountain stream running down to the lake. The stream was fringed with bushes and tall reeds.

"A camp-fire!" whispered Dan Casey, pointing across the stream. "It's burnin' lively, too. Sure, an' thim rebels was makin' thimselves at home."

"A horse—three of them," came from Gilbert soon after, and he pointed out the animals, tethered in the grass back of the stream. "One of them has an officer's trappings."

They pushed on, with rifles and pistols ready for immediate use should the occasion arise. But no more shots came, and reaching a road behind the watch-tower, they found it practically deserted.

"They have slipped away," said Gilbert. "It's the usual Filipino trick."

"Forward, on the double-quick!" cried the major. "There are six of the enemy running for the jungle on the left!"

The major was right, and soon they were speeding across the field behind the watch-tower. The stream had to be waded, and they sank in mud ankle deep. But no one minded this, and coming up on safe ground, they made after the flying ones at a smarter gait than ever. Three shots were