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S/RES/2048 (2012)

Expressing concern about reports of cases of looting, including of State assets, human rights violations and abuses, including arbitrary detentions, ill treatment during detention, the repression of peaceful demonstrations and the restrictions on the freedom of movement imposed by the "Military Command" on a number of individuals, as noted in the Special Report of the Secretary-General on the situation in Guinea-Bissau (S/2012/280), and underlining that those responsible for such violations and abuses must be held accountable,

Affirming its condemnation of all acts of violence, including against women and children, and stressing the need to prevent violence,

Noting with deep concern the worrying humanitarian situation caused by the coup d'état and its negative impact on the economic activity in the country, Stressing the importance of Security Sector Reform implementation, including effective and responsible civilian control over the security forces, as a crucial element for long term stability in Guinea-Bissau, as envisaged in the Guinea-Bissau/ECOWAS/CPLP Roadmap and underlining the responsibility of police forces in Guinea-Bissau to protect state institutions and the civilian population,

Deploring the recurrent illegal interference of the military leadership in the political process in Guinea-Bissau and expressing concern that interference of the military in politics and the impact of illicit drug trafficking and organized crime in Guinea-Bissau have significantly hampered efforts to establish rule of law and good governance and tackle impunity and corruption,

Expressing grave concern over the negative impacts of illicit drug trafficking and organized crime on Guinea-Bissau and the subregion,

Expressing deep concern about the possible increase in illicit drug trafficking as a result of the military coup,

Underlining that any lasting solution to instability in Guinea-Bissau should include concrete actions to fight impunity and ensure that those responsible for politically-motivated assassinations and other serious crimes such as illicit drug-trafficking-related activities and breaches of constitutional order are brought to justice,

Further underlining the importance of stability and good governance for durable social and economic development in Guinea-Bissau,

Reaffirming the need to uphold and respect the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of Guinea-Bissau,

Mindful of its primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security under the Charter of the United Nations,

Acting under article 41 of Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,

  1. Demands that the Military Command takes immediate steps to restore and respect constitutional order, including a democratic electoral process, by ensuring that all soldiers return to the barracks, and that members of the "Military Command" relinquish their positions of authority;
  2. Stresses the need for all national stakeholders and Guinea-Bissau's international bilateral and multilateral partners to remain committed to the restoration of constitutional order, as affirmed in paragraph 1 above and, in this