Page:United Nations Security Council Resolution 2048.pdf/3

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S/RES/2048 (2012)

  1. context, encourages ECOWAS to continue its mediation efforts aimed at the restoration of constitutional order, in close coordination with the United Nations, the AU and CPLP;
  2. Requests the Secretary-General to be actively engaged in this process, in order to harmonize the respective positions of international bilateral and multilateral partners, particularly the AU, ECOWAS, CPLP and the EU, and ensure maximum coordination and complementarity of international efforts, with a view to developing a comprehensive integrated strategy with concrete measures aimed at implementing security sector reform, political and economic reforms, combating drug-trafficking and fighting impunity;

Travel ban

  1. Decides that all Member States shall take the necessary measures to prevent the entry into or transit through their territories of individuals listed in the annex of this resolution or designated by the Committee established pursuant to paragraph 9 below, provided that nothing in this paragraph shall oblige a State to refuse its own nationals entry into its territory;
  2. Decides that the measures imposed by paragraph 4 above shall not apply:
    1. Where the Committee determines on a case-by-case basis that such travel is justified on the grounds of humanitarian need, including religious obligation;
    2. Where entry or transit is necessary for the fulfilment of a judicial process;
    3. Where the Committee determines on a case-by-case basis that an exemption would further the objectives of peace and national reconciliation in Guinea-Bissau and stability in the region;

Designation criteria

  1. Decides that the measures contained in paragraph 4 shall apply to the individuals designated by the Committee, pursuant to paragraph 9 (b):
    1. Seeking to prevent the restoration of the constitutional order or taking action that undermines stability in Guinea-Bissau, in particular those who played a leading role in the coup d'état of 12 April 2012 and who aim, through their actions, at undermining the rule of law, curtailing the primacy of civilian power and furthering impunity and instability in the country;
    2. Acting for or on behalf of or at the direction of or otherwise supporting or financing individuals identified in subparagraph (a);
  2. Notes that such means of support or financing include, but are not limited to, the proceeds from organized crime, including the illicit cultivation, production and trafficking of narcotic drugs and their precursors originating in and transiting through Guinea-Bissau;
  3. Strongly encourages Member States to submit to the Committee names of individuals who meet the criteria set out in paragraph 6 above;