Page:United Nations Security Council Resolution 2048.pdf/5

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S/RES/2049 (2012)


Travel ban

  1. General António INJAI (a.k.a António INDJAI)
    Nationality: Guinea-Bissau
    Date of birth: 20 January 1955
    Place of birth: Encheia, Sector de Bissorá, Região de Oio, Guinea-Bissau
    Parentage: Wasna Injai and Quiritche Cofte
    Official function: Lieutenant General – Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces
    Passport: Diplomatic passport AAID00435
    Date of issue: 18.02.2010
    Place of issue: Guinea-Bissau
    Date of expiry: 18.02.2013
    António Injai was personally involved in planning and leading the mutiny of 1 April 2010, culminating with the illegal apprehension of the Prime Minister, Carlo Gomes Junior, and the then Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, José Zamora Induta; during the 2012 electoral period, in his capacity as Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, Injai made statements threatening to overthrow the elected authorities and to put an end to the electoral process; António Injai has been involved in the operational planning of the coup d'état of 12 April 2012. In the aftermath of the coup, the first communiqué by the "Military Command" was issued by the Armed Forces General Staff, which is led by General Injai.
  2. Major General Mamadu TURE (a.k.a. N'KRUMAH)
    Nationality: Guinea-Bissau
    Date of birth: 26 April 1947
    Official function: Deputy Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces
    Passport: Diplomatic passport DA0002186
    Date of issue: 30.03.2007
    Place of issue: Guinea-Bissau
    Date of expiry: 26.08.2013
    Member of the "Military Command" which has assumed responsibility for the coup d'état of 12 April 2012.
  3. General Estêvão NA MENA
    Nationality: Guinea-Bissau
    Date of birth: 07 March 1956
    Official function: Inspector-General of the Armed Forces
    Member of the "Military Command" which has assumed responsibility for the coup d'état of 12 April 2012.