Page:United Nations Security Council Resolution 2048.pdf/6

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S/RES/2048 (2012)

  1. Brigadier General Ibraima CAMARÁ (a.k.a. "Papa Camará")
    Nationality: Guinea-Bissau
    Date of birth: 11 May 1964
    Parentage: Suareba Camará and Sale Queita
    Official function: Chief of Staff of the Air Force
    Passport: Diplomatic passport AAID00437
    Date of issue: 18.02.2010
    Place of issue: Guinea-Bissau
    Date of expiry: 18.02.2013
    Member of the "Military Command" which has assumed responsibility for the coup d'état of 12 April 2012.
  2. Lieutenant colonel Daba NAUALNA (a.k.a. Daba Na Walna)
    Nationality: Guinea-Bissau
    Date of birth: 6 June 1966
    Parentage: Samba Naualna and In-Uasne Nanfafe
    Official function: Spokesperson of the "Military Command"
    Passport: Passport SA000417
    Date of issue: 29.10.2003
    Place of issue: Guinea-Bissau
    Date of expiry: 10.03.2013
    Spokesperson of the "Military Command" which has assumed responsibility for the coup d'état of 12 April 2012.
