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FM 3-18 • PSYOP can inersasu the safety of the populace by inhirming Umm of hazards such as mines and contaminated meas. • PSYOP can assist in military tr¤£Eic contml and make public health an- Houlwéménts. • A wmhinutiun of civil-rnilitary operations (CMO), PSYOP, and public affairs (PA) operations can reduce the resources required to manage the AO and reduce the US—unly Qixec protection requirements. Staff Coordination 2~17. With the G2, G-3, and (3-5, the G—7 evaluates enemy PSYOP eilbrts and the effectiveness of friendly PSYOP on target groups, Onne PSYOP tasks are determined, the PSYOP officer mnrdinates them with higher headquan ters for the G-7. The geographic combatant commander approves PSYOP tasks. A statement of requirements is a significant portion of the logistic and operational staff planning process in support of PSYOP (see FM 3-05.30). Du- ties of the PSYOP officer, s special staff oflicer. are listed in appendix F. The G-7 exercises mordinating staff responsibility over the PSYOP officer. MILITARY DECEPTION 2-18. Military deception comprises actions executed to deliberately mislead adversary military decisionmskers as to friendly militazy capabilities, inten- tions. and operations, thereby causing the adversary m take speciiie actions (ur inactionsl that will contribute to the aoeoinplishment of the friendly mis- sion (JP 3-65). (The complete joint definition includes detinitiuns of five MD categories; see chapter 4.) It is used to make an adversary more vnlnex-» able to the eHcv:ts offriendly force weapons, maneuver, and operations. JP 3- 58 contains joint doctrine tiyr MD. Chapter 4 contains Army doctrine tier MD. Duties of the military deception officer (MDO), a special stall officer, are listed in appendix F. Contributions 249. MD operations deceive adversaries by manipulation, distortion, or falsification of evidence, and induce them to react in a manner prejudicial ta their interests, Two ways of manipulating adversary commanders ar¢>— • increasing their uncertainty toncerning friendly Bn-eo intent. • Reducing their uncertainty concerning a iriendly comse of action, 2—2(l. MD used offensively causes adversary commanders to uct based on inaccurate impressions, Adversary actions may include wasting intelligence assets or failing to use other resources to their best advantage. MD used de~ fensively hides friendly kirce capabilities and intentions, Staff Coordination Z—21. The G-7 exercises coordinating staff responsibility over the MZDO. This responsibility includes integrating MD into all operational planning. MD plans are normally prepared by :1 deception working group formed by the MDO. Psyeliologieal, MD, and OPSEC operations all deal with presenting or denying friendly form information to adversaries; they are interrelated and require detailed synchronization. In addition, MD and PSYOP often require 2-6