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Page:United States Army Field Manual 3-13 Information Operations.djvu/37

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lnfomution Opunitinns Elements and R•tn•¤ Antivitin an long time to achieve effects, The approval of MD tasks is at the higher headquarters of the eclmlou assigned the task. The M.DO—— • Coordinates with the G-2 to determine requirements or opportunities for lVl'D operations, • Coordinates with the G»3 and the G-7 to ensure the MD supports thc commanders intent and concept of the operation, • Recommends the deception target, deception objective, and deception story. • Coordinates MD operations within the stat? on a need·to—know basis. 2-22. Although the transparency iequiivd for traditional peacekeeping may preclude using MD. MD may he appropriate and necessary during peace err fomemcut operations However, PSYOP may complicate the conduct of MD operations. PA can withhold information that could negate MD. The inult.iua» tional and interagency character of peace enforcement operations may also complicate the MD effort, as it could confuse multinational partners if they not aware of it. Foreign area nfécers, multinational and special operations force liaison otficers, and State Department personnel should lie consulted during planning to ensure the messages sent to potential adversaries are ap— propriate. ELECTRONIC WARFARE 2-23. Electronic war/are ia any military action involving the use of electromagnetic cmd directed energy to control the eloctromagmetic spectrum or to attack the enemy (JP 3-51). (See JP 351 and FM 34-40 for detailed dis— cussions of EW,) Contributions 2-24. The tliree major components of EW are electronic protection (EP), elec- tronic warfare support (ES), and electronic attack (EA). 225, Electronic Protection. Electronic pratecthm is that division of clac» tronic warfare involving passive and active means taken to protect personnel, facilities, and equipment tirom any effects of ikiendly or enemy employment of electronic vvazfme that degrade. neutralize, or destroy tiriendly combat capa— bility (JP 3-51). Friendly times use emission control and other antijamming measures to perform EP. 2·26. Electronic Warfare Support. Electronic warfare support is that divi— sion of electronic warfare involving actions tasked lay, or under direct control of, an operational commander to search for, intercept, identify, and locate or localize sources of intentional and unintentional radiated electromagnetic en— ergy tor the purpose of immediate threat recognition, targeting, planning and conduct of future operations. Thus, ES provides in£>rmation required iw de— cisions involving electronic warfare operations and other tactical actitms such as threat avoidance, targeting. and homing. Electronic warlwe support data can he used to pmduce signal intelligenw, provide targeting Rm electronic ur destructive attack, and pmduce measurement and signature intelligence (JP $$51). ES supports both offensive and defensive I0. It identihes, locates, and exploits adversary emitters (signals). lt helps commanders achieve situ— ational. understanding and assess damage. It protects the time by producing 2»1