FM 3-18 They contribute no support of Auny nperatinns by US and intnrzmnional audiences, and maintain relations with the civilian populace in the AO. 24.02. Effective PA truthfully inilirm the publicl They do not fcmis un directing ur manipulating public uctiuus or upiniun. PA help shape the irixb1·matiun cn~ vimnment. It can serve to munter adversary propaganda, and disinfnrmation. 2-103. CMO can support IO objectives by influencing, developing, or control- ling the indigenous inikustnicture in foreign AOs. It can be an alternative means to communicate with the host nation and Hireign puhlin. PUBLIC AFFAIRS 2404. Public affairs are those public infomation. command information, and community relations' activities directed toward both the external and intern- al puhlics with interest in the Department of Defense (JP 3-61). (Army doc- zxine uses the term interna.! informadan in place of command infvrmatrbn.) PA information is credible, It makes available timely and accurate inibrma- tion so that the public, Congress, and the news media may assess und under- stand the thats about national security and defense strategy. E£Fe<:tive PA enlizmws uvniiduuw in the flume and its viperatinxis (see JP 3—6x; FM 461; FM !%» 61.1), Contributions 2-105. PA fullills the Army's obligation m keep the American people and the Army informed. lt helps establish conditions that lead to coniideute in the Army and its readiness to conduct operations during peace, crisis, and wnr, PA keeps all members of thc thick: intlsrmcd, and counters the affects uf adversary pi·<>pa5.:ancia and misinfmmntiun, 2-106. PA suppcirts IO by producing accurate, timely, and balanced informa- tion for the public, explaining——s€¤er the f'm:t—the objectives uf an operation. Public afthirs supports both ofibnsive IO and defensive lOl PA support tu offensive IO takes the lbrm uf active measures. such as press conferences. pxess releases, articles. and specific talking points. Defensive I0 includes products smh as media guidance, researched answers to pmbuble media questions. and crisis reporting plans thr high pmlile incidents. PA personnel alsorevisw 10 products {mm a media perspective tu suggest improvements. 2407. PA principles that support IO are ns follows: • Truth is paramount, Successful and eftective public relations depend on credibility. The quickest way m destroy PA credibility is m mislep- resent the truth. Close cowdinmsion within the IO cell is required ni ensure that the media and the US and multinational publics ars nut deceived or lied tu, and that such a peiceptinn is nut created, • If news (information) is out, it is out. The inibrmatinn environment makes inlbrmatinn readily available and enables last, easy dissemination. Once informative is released, it must be assumed that it is available to all interested audiences. DOD policy pmhibits viéthlmlding or classifying intbrmatinn to prevent criticism nr embarrassment. 2-22
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